Assalamu Alaikum Dear Parents,

SubhanAllah time is running away from us so fast. We are inching towards the December break, and this is the time to pause and reflect on what the school has
accomplished so far. At TIA, like in any other school every day comes with its challenges.
It also comes with its rewards and as I mentioned in a previous email, three of our students were nominated by their teachers and recognized by ICNE (The Islamic Council of New England) by awarding them $500.00 scholarship each. ICNE held a virtual banquet on December 11th, 2021.
Congratulations to:
Mohammed Elgohary Grade 2
Sarah Yzzogh Grade 5
Maryam Bhatti Grade 7
MashaAllah, there are so many other students that are deserving and deserve recognition. Their efforts are noted and commanded.
Today, December 17th there was a National Tik Tok Challenge of gun violence. The threat originated out of Texas and has been trending on Tik Tok. The safety and security of our students and staff is our first priority. Methuen police eagerly responded to our call to provide us with protection and keep our school safe. We had a patrol car at drop off and at dismissal. We thank the Methuen Police Department for their support and patrol of our school. Unfortunately, due to the same concern, we cancelled outdoor recess. When I made the announcement over the P.A. System, the whole school erupted in an “OH NO!” because it is such a beautiful day!
This week, I have started conducting formal observations. I review the lesson plan, attend the class for the full period, take notes, then schedule a post-observation meeting to discuss the lesson. This gives me insight on what goes on in the classroom and gives me the opportunity to connect with the teachers and make suggestions on how to improve the lesson.
Please remember that I am here to listen to you, so do not hesitate to contact me, and know that any issue you might think is futile, is important to me.
Jazakum Allah Khair
Nadjette Lazzouni
Student Absences

Students' absences must be reported to the office by 9 am through email (please explain the reason of the absence) or a phone call.
For the students who are absent, the homeroom teachers will be sending the Student Absentee Form to the parents. If your child was absent and received one, please make sure that he/she completes all the assignments listed on the form and send it back to the teachers.
This is designed to help the child not miss any classroom or homework assignments.
Islamic Studies Project

The annual Islamic Studies Project day will be on Wednesday, December 22nd and Thursday, December 23rd, 2021. Parents are invited to attend the Project Day virtually through their child's google classroom. The schedule will be sent through Jupiter.
Holiday Recess

Our holiday recess is from Friday, December 24th 2021 through Sunday, January 2nd 2022. The last day of school in 2021 is Thursday, December 23rd. School will resume on Monday, January 3rd 2022. Enjoy your break!

Testing in School:
We request all families to notify the school, if you traveled out of state or if you come in contact with someone who tested positive. This is to make sure that we include your child (consented students only) for the Test and Stay program when the students return to school.
TIA has set up the Test & Stay, Symptomatic Testing, and Routine COVID safety checks to minimize the number of times individuals are out of school. In sha Allah, we will start the program on Monday, January 3rd, 2021. If you have not signed the form, please click the link below and submit it.
If you do not sign the consent, your child will not be tested. However, when the need arises we will ask you to provide us with a PCR test for your child from another testing site.
Early Release Day

Friday, January 7th, 2022 is a half day and will be dress-up day (nice loose fitting clothing). Please e nsure that the Islamic dress code is followed. No jeans, shorts, tight / short dresses or heels. Boys are not allowed to wear hoodies, jerseys, sweatpants or jogging pants.
Dismissal will be at 12:00 p.m. sharp. Please make arrangements to pick up your child(ren) on time.
KG - Masjid activity

KG had fun working on building their cookie masjid’s and learned about the importance and manners of the masjid.
Student council - Dinner to Homeless
Praise is to Allah by Whose grace good deeds are completed
الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ الَّذِى بِنِعْمَتِهِ تَتِمُّ الصَّالِحَاتُ

Student Council members MSA served dinner on Friday, December 10th at Elliot Church in Lowell. MSA the students worked hard in school and outside to feed those in need.
Students from Grades 5 and 6 served dinner for the homeless. It was a great event that taught students to appreciate what they have and to thank Allah SWT daily. Students buttered the bread in school and then met after school in Lowell to serve. MSA! MSA! MSA! The members always show their willingness to support and readiness to work hard.

We would like to thank the TIA families who sponsored the dinner. May Allah reward you all (TIA parents and multiply your rizk). ISA we will be hosting 2 more dinners and we will need your support.
For now, as we face the harsh weather, the Student Council is collecting gently used coats for those in need, locally and abroad.